Surprising Uses for Kratom That You Can Make At Home

3 Surprising Uses for Kratom to Make at Home

Although the kratom market still lacks the vast diversity of products found in the CBD market (including some of the weirdest CBD products, such as CBD toothpicks, CBD-infused pillows, and hemp toilet paper), entrepreneurs are already experimenting to find new ways to make use of Mitragyna speciosa leaves.

While time will only tell what types of kratom products may one day be available on the market, we’ve found some unique ways to use kratom at home to make something new. 

Whether you’re bored or want to make use of some extra kratom powder on hand, discover handmade gift ideas for friends, or have a passion for arts and crafts, you may decide to try out these three surprising kratom uses at home.

Natural herbal soap kratom 1. Small Batch Kratom Soap

Nothing beats a handmade, organic, and natural soap. Kratom is actually a good herb to use in an herbal soap as Mitragyna speciosa leaves are not only organic but contain natural antibacterial and antioxidant properties. For this kratom soap recipe, any type of kratom powder will do—including kratom extract powder—so feel free to experiment with different kratom strains and colors.

If you have made your own melt-and-pour candles before or even tried making cold-process soap, this process should be relatively simple and straightforward for you. If you have a favorite soap-making recipe, you can make it a kratom soap recipe by adding kratom to it.

Feel Free to research different materials for soap-making; you can make your kratom soap a moisturizing soap, a strong antibacterial soap, a calming soap, or a refreshing soap based on the materials you use in your recipe.

Ingredients/Equipment for Kratom Soap:  

(For two large bars of soap, 5-6 small bars of soap)

  • 1-2 Teaspoons of Plain Kratom Powder
  • 3 Cups Soap Base (glycerin or soap flakes)
  • 1 Âľ Cups of Moisturizing Oils (i.e., Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Palm Oil, etc).
  • ÂĽ Cup Lemongrass Leaves (or decorative/fragrant herbs of your choice)
  • Silicone soap-making mold or cupcake/muffin baking pans
  • Rubbing alcohol and a spray bottle
  • 3-5 drops of an essential oil (optional)

Optional Scents and Essential Oils you May Wish to Add:

Here are some of the best essential oils and herbs for soap making. Feel free to use this list not only for our kratom soap but for the other DIY kratom crafts on this list that require essential oils or herbs.

Best Essential Oils for Soap Making:

  • Chamomile Essential Oil
  • Tea Tree Essential Oil
  • Rosemary Essential Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Folded Lemon Essential Oil
  • Bergamot Essential Oil
  • Jasmine Essential Oil
  • Lemongrass Essential Oil
  • Coconut Essential Oil
  • Blended Essential Oils 

Exfoliating Ingredients for Soap Making:

  • Colloidal Oatmeal
  • Pumice Powder
  • Old Unused Coffee Grounds

Best Herbs for Soap Making:

  • Lemongrass Leaves
  • Dried Calendula Flowers
  • Rosemary Stalks
  • Peppermint Leaves
  • Organic Marshmallow Root
  • Meadow Sage
  • Organic Lavender Flowers
  • Gardenia Petals
  • Dried Lemon Balm
  • Rose Petals
  • Azalea Blooms

Directions – How to Make Kratom Soap

  1. Melt the Glycerin/Soap Flakes – If you have a double boiler, heat pieces of glycerin/soap flakes until they melt to liquid, which happens at 115 degrees Fahrenheit. If you don’t have a double boiler, you can make soap without a double boiler by placing a smaller pot inside a larger pot that has simmering water in the bottom. 
  2. Prepare the Soap Molds – It is easy to buy silicone soap molds, which you can find online or in stores. You can also make soap without premade soap molds by using silicone molds for dessert, candy, cupcakes, loaves, or cupcake/muffin pans. You can also use a cake pan or deep baking sheet and then cut the soap into cubes at the end of the process. Silicone soap molds are widely available, but silicone candy, cookie, dessert, or loaf molds work just as well.
  3. Add Base Oils: Add your base oil (such as coconut oil, olive oil, etc.) to the melting pan with glycerin. Mix well until blended, making sure to scrape the bottom of the pan to thoroughly distribute the oils and glycerin.
  4. Remove From Heat: Remove your melting pan from the larger pan or double boiler.
  5. Add Kratom and Essential Oils: Add your essential oils and the kratom powder slowly, stirring as you go.
  6. Add Dried Herbs: If you are adding in any dried botanicals, leaves, or petals, add them in now and stir to evenly disperse them in with the other materials. 
  7. Fill Soap Molds: Pour the mixture slowly and carefully into your soap molds or baking tray. Make sure any petals or botanicals are evenly distributed. 
  8. Spritz Soap Molds: (Optional) Lightly spritz the tops of your soap molds with rubbing alcohol to prevent bubbles from causing flaws on top of the soap. If you don’t have rubbing alcohol on hand, you can just rub/polish/cut any flaws after they dry. Then 
  9. Wrap Molds and Let Sit: Wrap the soap molds in plastic and let the kratom soap harden over 48 hours. After 48 hours, remove the bars of soap and wrap them immediately in non-porous packaging, such as cling wrap, to preserve the kratom soap. If you made soap on a baking sheet, you can cut them into bars and then wrap them. They are now ready to use!

Once unmolded, any irregularities in the kratom soap bars may be neatly cut with a knife or smoothed down with a cloth. The soap bars should be kept wrapped when not in use and stored in a cool, dry place.

Make your own kratom candles naturally2. Aromatic Kratom Candles

Knowing how to make your own candles is a useful skill, as it allows you to choose each ingredient yourself for the most benefits. At-home candlemaking is preferred by those who want to avoid some of the harmful ingredients found in many commercially available candles. A handmade kratom candle provides a nice atmosphere and experience without producing harmful smoke.

To make kratom candles, you may use any kind of kratom powder or kratom extract powder that you’d like, as long as it has not exceeded the shelf life of kratom. You can craft kratom candles using raw powder or make your own kratom extract and use that.

Ingredients/Equipment for Kratom Candles:

  • 2 Teaspoons of Kratom powder
  • 6 cups of pure soy wax (or a natural candle wax base of choice) 
  • 3 natural wicks (such as hemp, cotton, or wood)
  • 6 Tablespoons of Essential Oils (your choice)
  • Three 4-ounce containers (either glass or metal)
  • Kitchen thermometer
  • A saucepan
  • Metal container for melting wax (such as an old aluminum can)
  • A clothespin to keep the wicks in place (may also use three wooden chopsticks or skewer sticks)

Instructions: How to Make Candles with Kratom

  1. Melt the Wax – First, fill your old aluminum can (or metal container) halfway with your soy flakes or candle base of your choice. Then, fill the saucepan halfway with water. Set the metal can of candle wax base in the center of the saucepan. Simmer the water until the wax melts completely.
  2. Add Essential Oil & Kratom Powder – Remove the metal container and place the thermometer in the hot wax. Every few minutes. Check the temperature until the wax reaches around 185 degrees Fahrenheit or less. Then, combine the kratom powder and essential oil in a bowl and mix them together.
  3. Anchor the Wicks – Put a small amount of wax in the bottom of the candle containers to secure the wick. Then, add the wick in the middle of the candle container. Keep it upright using a clothespin, chopsticks, or skewers.
  4. Pour the Wax – Pour the wax into the candle containers and set it aside for several hours (or overnight) to cool.
  5. Remove the Wick –Trim the wicks to about 1/8 inch above the wax to reduce soot when lit. Your Kratom candles are now finished!

It’s a good idea to always keep your kratom candles covered when not in use to keep their aroma fresh. Always use natural waxes. Using soy wax is ideal for making candles burn longer and releasing less soot/smoke. 

Natural kratom bath bombs, learn how to make3. Kratom Bath Bombs

Nothing is more calming than a bath bomb, and knowing how to make the best kratom bath bombs for relaxation is an impressive skill to have. The benefits of baths for stress relief, skin and hair health, and more are good for self-care. You can increase your bath experience by combining kratom and other natural ingredients in a handmade natural bath bomb!  

One of the easiest recipes on this list, kratom bath bombs are fun to make for beginners and experienced DIY craftspeople alike. Furthermore, kratom bath bombs are one of the best DIY gifts for anyone, especially kratom fans, and they last for months of storage. Experimenting with different types of kratom strains and different essential oils and herbs can make this project fun again and again!

Ingredients/Equipment for Kratom Bath Bombs:

  • 8 Ounces Baking Soda
  • 4 Ounces Corn Starch
  • 4 Ounces Epsom Salt
  • 4 Ounces Citric Acid
  • 1.5 Ounces Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, or Olive Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon Water
  • 100mg kratom
  • Your choice of essential oils, herbs, and fragrances.
  • 1 pinch of shredded dried calendula petals (optional)
  • Round plastic/silicone molds

Instructions – How to Make Bath Bombs with Kratom:

  1. Mix the dry ingredients (baking soda, corn starch, citric acid, epsom salts, kratom powder) thoroughly in a bowl. 
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the liquid ingredients (coconut/avocado/olive oil, essential oils, fragrance) together. 
  3. Once fully blended, add the liquid mix to the dry mix 1 teaspoon at a time while constantly stirring/whisking the mixture. 
  4. The consistency should reach a point where it is like dampened sand, with the dry ingredients very loosely clumping together. Once this point is reached, scrape the mixture out into round silicone/plastic molds before it dries.
  5. Wait 2-4 hours until dry. Once completely dry, they are ready to use and/or wrap for storage.

Once your bath bombs are done, simply pop one in your bathtub, create a calming atmosphere and watch your stress melt away! Don’t forget, if you’ve made your own kratom candles and kratom soap, you can make your kratom bath complete!


6 thoughts on “Surprising Uses for Kratom That You Can Make At Home

  1. Derek Axel Rose says:

    This what I love about Mitragaia is you guys place yourselves at the heart of wellness routines in so many ways 🥳 🙌🏼 These are awesome ideas, and I learned new properties of Mitragyna speciosa (antibacterial and antioxidant properties in the leaves). This is brilliant! You guys have the best customer support and best tea around bar none!! 👏🏼❤️🙌🏼 — Derek =]

  2. Michael says:

    This is kinda silly, though, since the use of these homemade products will not introduce kratom into one’s system (or at least not anywhere near enough to produce effects). As such, I think these recommendations are a waste of kratom. I love your store, though, and I’ll keep coming back.
    — A top-tier customer

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